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Wildlife And Bird Photography

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100 руб.

Полное описание товара

Your hands-on guide to capturing, composing and editing wildlife and bird photos no matter what your skill level.

What you ll learn
Explore what makes a good wildlife and bird photograph.
How to select and use the right equipment for wildlife and bird photography.
Apply a range of techniques, including composition, exposure and depth of field, to capture great wildlife and bird photos in an ethical manner..
Basic editing techniques, including cropping, color adjustment and sharpening, to create photos with impact.

A digital single lens reflex (DSLR) or mirrorless camera is preferred, but you can also use a fixed-lens camera with a lens that can zoom. A basic knowledge of your camera s functions is an advantage but not essential as we cover every aspect of wildlife and bird photography.

Featuring around 500 how to as well as “How NOT to” photographs and video clips, the course guides you, step-by-step, through every aspect of wildlife and bird photography. It s packed with tips and tricks that will prove invaluable to any photographer, no matter what your skill level. Wildlife and bird photography demands the right equipment, as well as an intimate knowledge of how to use your camera, lenses and other attachments, often under difficult conditions. We guide you how to select the most suitable and cost effective equipment, including tripods and other camera supports. If all this sounds expensive, don t worry. We help you save money by adapting and modifying equipment you already own.Good composition is also vitally important for creating memorable photos. We look in detail at the many techniques available for composing wildlife and bird photos, from the Rule of Thirds to frames and lines. We also look in detail at how to utilize depth of field to make your subjects stand out. Then we examine how you can crop and fine-tune your images using sophisticated computer software, including creating High Dynamic Range (HDR) photos. Complete this course and you ll know just what to do to produce animal and bird photos you ll be proud to hang on the wall.





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