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Размер файла 6.65 Mбайт
450 руб.
Cambria Shawl - is a slightly crescent shawl with a wide lace edging. The body of the shawl is worked in Stockinette stitch and the border - in a beautiful lace pattern stitch.
- The shawl is worked top down in one piece.
- There are 140 rows in the sample, but the size of the shawl is easily adjustable.
- The yardage and the final measurements depend on yarn weight and needles you choose. Thus you will need about 70-100 gr of lace weight yarn with the most natural fiber content.
- Gauge is not crucial for this project.
- The pattern includes both written instructions and charts.
- Skill level: advanced beginner.
- Knitting skills required: basic lace knowledge (knit, purl, ssk, k2tog, sk2p, s2kp, sssk, k3tog), blocking knit shawl & wraps.
- This pattern is available in English.
Happy Knitting,
Venera Sharipova
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