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Имя файла
Размер файла 3.11 Mбайт
450 руб.
Winter Orchid is a shawl with a beautiful, traditional, Estonian lace stitch pattern called Clover in the body and with a gorgeous flower stitch pattern in the edging.
- The shawl is worked top down in one piece.
- 154 rows are worked in these samples. But you can make the shawl bigger or smaller.
- The pattern includes both written instructions and charts.
- Skill level: medium.
- Gauge is not crucial for this project.
- Knitting skills required: basic lace knowledge, blocking knit shawl & wraps.
- This pattern is available in English.
For knitting the shawl you will need:
- 3.5 oz (100 gr) of lace weight or 4.6 oz (130 gr) of fingering yarn of natural fibers.
- 40-inch (100 cm) circular needles, crochet hook, blocking pins, markers.
Yarn: Kid Seta Schulana.
Yardage: 644 yds (588 m).
Needles: US 6 (4.0 mm) for body and US 7 (4.5 mm) for edging.
Final measurements (after blocking): 75’’ (190 cm) x 33.5’’ (85 cm).
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