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ENGLISH TRANSLATION of Short Manual and Detailed 3d Drawings Album by George Petrov.

After reading this brief manual, you will be able to estimate the relative labor intensity, timber consumption of this product and get all the necessary knowledge for self-construction. Our main task is to popularize the idea of building an old-school style workbench. On the Internet and directories you will find not too much detailed necessary information, besides, it will be extremely fragmented, scrappy , and sometimes quite contradictory. By this brochure we dared to fill the obvious gaps, and as it seems to the authors, succesfully!

Here, in a concise form, the tips of an experienced carpenter are set forth, comprehensive three-dimensional sketches are presented, exhaustive data on the dimensions of each part of the workbench, and the sequence of assembly is described step by step! We hope, this manual will be equally pleasant to read both to the beginning expert, and to the master with the great experience.

We sincerely recommend it to you!





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