Название товара
Тип покупки
100 руб.
What you ll learn
You ll learn how to start earning money from your Photoshop Skills.
You ll learn how to create graphics from scratch in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to fix the colors in photographs.
You ll learn how to create a paper cut reveal effect in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to create the money effect in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to turn a photograph into an art work in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to turn an image into an oil painting in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to remove people from images in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to change the color of images in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You will have over 20 of your own projects to add to your portfolio.
You ll learn how to remove blemishes from a photograph in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn to use Adobe Photoshop like an Expert.
You ll learn how to use the new AI features in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn several workflow tips to speed up your tasks in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn a lot of useful shortcuts in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to use Adobe Libraries and Adobe Color in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to speed up your Photoshop software in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn advanced selection workflows in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn advanced image retouching workflows in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to use the Camera raw plugin in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to steal color grading looks from different images in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to do frequency separation on your images in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn advanced color correction worklflows in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn advanced Layer blending options in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to use Blend if in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to use Channels in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to use Knockouts in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to use Apply image in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to use Calculations in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn learn how to restore colors to black and white images in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to turn and image into a realistic oil painting with AI in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to create custom brushes in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to get thousands of high quality industry standard brush presest from Adobe for Free.
You ll learn how to use the puppet wrap tool in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to create incredible perspetives easily in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn 3D in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn how to edit videos and create motion graphics in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll learn advanced compositing and photo manipulations in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll create an Advanced glitch poster in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll create a cosmetic product image manipulation in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll create a Nescafe product manipulation in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll create the disintegration effect using brushes in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll create a sliced artwork in Adobe Photoshop CC.
You ll create a double exposure effect in Adobe Photoshop CC.https://boosty.to/photoforum
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